Hey there,
Using latest preview (5.0 662), I’m getting an error when tying to right click/open the StopWatch
node. The node opens anyway, but this error is printed to the Log window :
NullReferenceException: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
VL.Lang.Symbols.Resolver { private string GetSymbolSourceError(VL.Model.ChoiceBasedReference reference) { ... } }
VL.Lang.Symbols.Resolver { private string <ResolveNode>g__GetErrorMessage|17_0(System.Collections.Immutable.ImmutableArray<System.ValueTuple<VL.Lang.Symbols.INodeDefinitionSymbol, VL.Lang.Symbols.LayerEntry, bool>> candidates, VL.Lang.Symbols.<>c__DisplayClass17_0& ) { ... } }
VL.Lang.Symbols.Resolver { public VL.Lang.Symbols.ResolveResult<VL.Lang.Symbols.INodeDefinitionSymbol> ResolveNode(VL.Model.ChoiceBasedNodeReference model, System.Nullable<VL.Lang.Symbols.ResolveOptions> resolveOptions) { ... } }
VL.Model.Node { public bool get_IsDelegate() { ... } }
VL.Lang.View.RegionView { private void GetRegionType(VL.Model.Node region, System.String& type, System.String& tooltip, System.String& helpUrl) { ... } }
VL.Lang.View.RegionView { protected virtual void SetModel(VL.Model.Element oldValue, VL.Model.Element value) { ... } }
VL.Lang.View.ModelView { public virtual void set_Model(VL.Model.Element value) { ... } }
VL.Lang.View.CompoundView { private VL.Lang.View.RegionView <SetModel>b__43_8(VL.Model.Node m) { ... } }
VL.Lang.ModelRestoreNodes+Synchronizer`2 { public void Update(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<> input, System.Func<, > create, System.Action<, > updator) { ... } }
VL.Lang.View.CompoundView { protected virtual void SetModel(VL.Model.Element oldValue, VL.Model.Element value) { ... } }
VL.Lang.View.CanvasView { protected virtual void SetModel(VL.Model.Element oldValue, VL.Model.Element value) { ... } }
VL.Lang.View.ModelView { public virtual void set_Model(VL.Model.Element value) { ... } }
VL.HDE.PatchEditor.EditorControl { private VL.Lang.View.CanvasView NewCanvas(VL.Model.Canvas canvas) { ... } }
VL.HDE.PatchEditor.EditorControl { public VL.Model.Canvas OpenCanvas(VL.Model.Canvas canvas, bool addToHistory, VL.Model.Node focusedNode, bool setActiveCanvs) { ... } }
VL.HDE.PatchEditor.EditorControl+<>c__DisplayClass87_0+<<GetOpenCanvasOfDefinitionAction>b__1>d { private virtual void MoveNext() { ... } }
System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo { public void Throw() { ... } }
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter { private static void ThrowForNonSuccess(System.Threading.Tasks.Task task) { ... } }
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter { private static void HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(System.Threading.Tasks.Task task) { ... } }
VL.Model.VLSession+<>c__DisplayClass184_0+<<RunAndForget>b__0>d { private virtual void MoveNext() { ... } }
I did not disable the package compiler, if that’s somehow relevant for troubleshooting.