Elementa pathdialog can't set initial directory

I’m not able to configure the pathdialog in a way, that it does not open the last visited folder. There is the “Use last directory” but it doesnt change anything if it’s 0 or 1. It doesn’t change anything if i set an specific initial directory or default or value. The problem is that the path is for the VideoPlayer-node. If the VideopPlayer node does not get a proper path-input, there is an error and the complete elementa-gui will not be rendered/working.
Do you know about the problem or what I’m dong wrong?


Hey there,

Could you please provide a simple patch reproducing the issue?


here’s a small testpatch. there’s an other problem as well:
I can’t crop the SKImage-output of the VideoPlayer-node. I have to take a detour via toImage and fromImage. That works, but’s not the nice way. Do you know how to solve this in a better way?
path-test.vl (13.0 KB)

There’s indeed something not right in the widget but could not fix it by quickly looking at it. I’ll go back to it on Monday!

That would be great, thanks a lot!


There was indeed something wrong, a new version fixing that issue (5.1.3) is currently being built and should be available in more or less 30 minutes.

To install it, please use

nuget install VL.Elementa -version 5.1.3

Could you please report if this solves your issue?


I’ve updated elementa, but it’s all the same. HM.


That sounds odd :-) I just tried here and got the expected behavior :

  1. Set the Initial Directory to my Downloads folder
  2. Enabled Use Last Directory
  3. Opening and closing the dialog when picking a file always brings back to the latest browsed folder, as expected
  4. Disabling Use Last Directory brings me to my Downloads folder

If you could share the exact steps you are taking and describe the behavior you’re encountering, that would help. I would suggest using the help patch Use a PathDialog so that we can start from the same point.


I use the help patch. I think I found the problem: if you pick a file on the Initial Directory and not just the Directory without a specific file, it won’t work. If you right click on the Initial-Directorypin the file-dialog opens and you have to chose a file…
It seems so, that the Initial-Directorypin can work only with the pure directorypath.

Yes, you’d have to set the Path IOBox of the Initial Directory pin to Directory Path Type :


This way you’ll make sure you pick a Directory, and not a file.

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Hey, thanks for the tip. There seems to be another problem with the pathdialog: if you open it, the complete rendering output freezes - on all renderer/windows.

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