It’s about dynamic mesh,
I import a Mesh, do the Vertexpuffer thing and now i just add random spread to the list of coordinates the deform, in that case a sphere (x file).
The goal so far is that the sphere get spikes (to the sound than of course).
I did get and setSlice (generate Indeceslists) for x,y,z so i can access the axis. Is there a better way to manipulate a ?Vertex?.
Now the Points should be expand radial…
I work with an mathematician, and he be able to send me the formulas.
I want to ask in the first place if my way with Get and SetSlice is a proper way and maybe some of you did something similar, and as i know vvvv there could be a node which does radial calc anyway :)
PS: I don’t get the Attraktorshader working, that could do something in this direction.
I recognized, the SetSlice is not proper setuped in the samplepatch, but you guys will get the idea…
… and should used I instead… used vvvv 10 years ago… …back with full excitement! :)