Direct x 9 problem

i have just got a new laptop and it came with vista, but i downgraded to XP.

Now when i try to install vvvv it says i dont have d3dx9.dll or bin\delmid32.dll

what do i need to do to fix it?

have you double checked you have downloaded and installed the lastest version of DX9?

d3dx9.dll is apparently, ‘an optional component to DirectX that may not be installed with the version of DirectX you already have on your system’ (link)

Sorry, i still dont know what i need to download?

could you post a link to the microsoft page that has what i need to download?


actually to me it sounds like you didn’t unzip the file you downnloaded. did you really extract all files and are not trying to run vvvv.exe from within the .zip file?

Problem solved! The unzip didn’t completly unzip all files. I downloaded it again and unzipped it and there were more files the second time round. I was also missing the direct x file as first mentioned.

Thanks xd_nitro and Joreg!