Controlling VVVV from tablet

Hi guys! Can you suggest me how to control VVVV from an android tablet?

till now, I found:

openOSC: cannot personalize the interface
Kontrolleur: cannot save IP and port
control ( seems really hard to put the interface on your tablet, once you “draw” it!

if you have a lot of slider/bangs/switches you can use TouchOSC and build your own interface, but custom layout works only on apple ipad/iphone

but if want it fast and easy Kontrolleur is the way to go
(and just keep in mind ip and port)



someone did the trick to bring custom layout in android

hahahahahahaha the guy is totally crazy! I’ll try to follow him, let’s see if I’ll be able to do it! thanks

Some (old and unfinished) stuff for Control here:

Ok thanks I did it! (it’s a pity I cannot use labels) here some more indications:

@io: thanks, I’ll have a look tomorrow, my problem is I tried to send the custom interface via OSC (I’m not really confident with webserver) without any results :(


HTTP (Network receiver) and HTTP (Network server) nodes could get some HTML and javascipt code from Android tablets. iOs also.
The only constrains is that even in fullscreen mode in your browser you still have the 3 system buttons which could be touch.
But making a GUI with this method works really fine and so you get some nice ones without making an app
