Clone Object

I have a dictionary of objects Dictionary<String, Module> that I want to use as a template in order to create new objects out of them. Specifically I have a Tile object which has a Module object property.
The idea is to have for every tile different modules assign on them (not as instances but as unique objects), because I want in later stage to be able and mutate the Module of each Tile in a certain way (let’s say to just change its color).
So far the only work around I found is to split the Module object and Create a new before pass it in my Tile object.
How it could be done otherwise ?

Not sure what exactly the problem but sounds like you need an interface, like IModule, so then you’ll be able to connect different objects to same pin…

There is also a template selector pattern, usually it is multiple templates, like template1 template2, and a switch with cast like if object of type1 return template1… if that makes sense

thx @antokhio but it is not the case. I am constructing a list (dictionary in my case) of objects which I want to use as templates for other objects which have the same exact characteristics and a certain initial state (same as the template objects in the dictionary). Does it make sense now?

This is the Prototype Pattern : Prototype

@lecloneur yes, exactly, this is it. Any ideas how to approach this, beside splitting a d creating the objects from scratch :)

The Module object you want to Clone should actually have the function to create a copy of itself. So you don’t need to split but just create and return that object.

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