CalibrateCamera (CV.Transform) help

I use the calibrate CalibrateCamera (CV.Transform) help but I have a bug
I try to calibrate my camera and when I press calibrate, vvvv is crash.
The screen of undistort is always black. It’s the same with the help patch of Undistort
I can’t use the Video In (CV.image DirectShow).
I reinstalled DX 11 and image Pack but the bug is the same.
Does anyone have an idea to help me to find a solution?

Thank you

The vvvv CV pack is really outdated, somewhere I have vvvv with this pack but gonna be near pc in few days, I can suggest trying with VL.OpenCV

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Needs vvvv gamma, but here is a simple Camera Caibration Helper.

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Thank you. I tried with vvvv beta 32 bit and it’s works very well.

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