Best way to wrap IAsyncEnumerable

I did some quick test to import the lib into vl. Like often in these days the lib makes a havy use of Tasks. I know the common Threads about Tasks and await:

But i could not find anything about the IAsyncEnumerable Interface which is used in the lib for example here.

Basically i want to do something like this.

public static async Task Process(WhisperProcessor processor, String FilePath)
    using var fileStream = File.OpenRead(FilePath);
    await foreach (SegmentData result in processor.ProcessAsync(fileStream))

But then i just get information, when the Task finished, but i do not get how to access/ return the SegementData from the await foreach. Any ideas on this?

Creating an public Event an then just Invoke this Event seems to work, but is that the right way?

public static event EventHandler<SegmentData> OnReceivedSegementData;
public static async Task Process(WhisperProcessor processor, String FilePath)
    using var fileStream = File.OpenRead(FilePath);
    await foreach (SegmentData result in processor.ProcessAsync(fileStream))

        OnReceivedSegementData?.Invoke(new object(), result);

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can you do something like this?

using System.Reactive.Linq;

public static IObservable<SegmentData> Process(FileStream fileStream) 
  return processor.ProcessAsync(fileStream)..ToObservable();

as far as docs say, reactive extension should support ToObservable(this IAsyncEnumerable)

handling lifetime of the file is another matter though.

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@woei thanks for the hint. This seems also to work.

public static IObservable<SegmentData> Process(WhisperProcessor processor, Stream file)
    return processor.ProcessAsync(file).ToObservable();

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