I try to get vertex data of particule sytem to create a mesh.
The attribute can be generate a good mesh. My mesh is not complete and disorder.
Can you give me a good solution to get the good mesh?Any ideas? geometry_to_particule6.v4p (37.5 KB)
Well it’s obviously not going to be perfect because, if you can see from the picture with culling, geometry has topology, and vertices should be ordered by topology:
If you have Triangle List you should order your points as:
vertex1 vertex2 vertex3 to get triangle so some vertices will share some other vertices
Are you sure you provide it in correct order? I’m totally not…
If you want to trial and error way i would start with GeometryBuffer, and then would move to playing around with readback and particles, so you can list understand what is wrong
Thank you Antokhio for your answer.
It’s better to use code. Can you show me direction to find documentation or example of code to realize that. Thank you
ok, thank you.
it’s more complex than I thought :)
My target in the beginning is to create meshes from buffer.
The goal is apply particule effect to my mesh (turbulence,force,ParticleModifier,…).
I transform Mesh in buffer and I apply particule modifier. After, i use buffer position to create my native mesh.
But it seems very difficult to realize that.
Can you show me an example of shader to realize that?
Well the problem with this approach that particles are not exactly suited to make meshes out of it…
Just for the info, have you heard about raymartching? Do you know that there is Fuse package for vvvv-gamma that suppose to cover like 99% of your request, but using volumes instead of meshes?
So short story long, meshing particles, regular way would be meatball, not sure i have it for compute…
With CPU version here you can try that: geometry_to_particule_metaball.v4p (39.1 KB)
This one for generating lines between points: ConnectAll.zip (55.0 KB)
you can check there is also some examples in packs\dx11\girlpower\