ArgsToData - inconsistent behaviour

I am not sure if this is a bug or if I am doing something wrong.
So, I have a custom Record called SynthParameter<T,U>

T can be potentially either a string or an integer
U can be either a float, string or integer

In order to send this via OSC (SendMessage) I am using a custom Operation->ArgsToData as the OSC Help Examples.

The issue is that after a lot of experimentation I managed to make it work, but only for one patch

wherever else I am trying to introduce the exact same combination it is not working

It turns red, and I get this error:

However the path (SetNodeValue) looks good inside without raising any errors or issues:


is there any chance to be a false report, like cached data or so?

thanks in advance

Please attach the patch. Thank you!

Yes, sorry

Check the example: Example Set Node Value Parameter

You define ArgsToData twice.

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I guess is that so, is there any example on how to constraint datatypes ?

Deleting one of those definitions should resolve the problem of the ambiguity.

I guess is that so, is there any example on how to constraint datatypes ?

Not sure if I understand what kind of constraints you need.

yes sorry, this is a completely different topic. I mean if it possible to restrict the types which a T can be. Like to accept either String, Int or Float avoiding the usage of IComparable Interface.