Did you: “Select “Arduino Diecimila or Duemilanove w/ ATmega168” or “Arduino Duemilanove w/ ATmega328” from the Tools > Board menu” (As mentioned here). The Arduino tutorials sure need an update.
I have spoken with benedikt and he has told me that the tutorial needs updating… Does anyone know how I can learn how to use the duemilanove with vvvv?
Try this for a basic serial printing to the computer. I just tested it on my same board and it works using the serial monitor in the arduino ide. I dont know how to read this data into vvvv yet but I have only had the software for a day or two.
Your problems are mostly caused by the arduino software updates , i have codes that work in some version and not in others , my old codes work with versions 10 or 11 , you can either try older versions or rearrange the codes with the new semantics etc .
In my not updated userpage there are some arduino codes anyway that may be helpfull , i,ll be glad to give you a hand , i,m on skype most of the time : colorsoundvj
btw on the 22 june i run a 4 days vvvv-arduino workshop in Bilbao