Hi, i’m trying to use the quad/halodot method to apply a glow to 7 spheres that are placed linearly on the z-axis.
however, even when I set the blend to add, the glow in the front still blocks the glows on the spheres in the back of the scene.
Does anyone know how I can fix this little problem?
If you want the halo dots to mix see the settings for blend I used in the patch attached. (you might have to set the halo image on the filetexture)
Did that help ?
halodotsoverlap.v4p (3.9 kB)
thanks for the reply. but that didn’t help, I don’t understand the behaviour at all!
check out the image i uploaded
Nuclear-DirectX Renderer_2008.03.27-12.50.13.jpg (18.7 kB)
maybe i need to use png with alpha channel…
I’m going to install photoshop now and check.
I just made a PNG of a glow with a transparent background and all I’m getting now is a white square. does anyone know why this is or how I can create the effect i need?
March 27, 2008, 3:50pm
by the picture i guess you’re using depthbuffer. search the faq for issues about rendering depthbuffer+alpha.
you might want to play around with ZWriteEnable and alphatest or use blend (renderstate advanced) - srcAlpha on the quads with the glow texture