Academics using VVVV

Hi all,

I noticed that there are a number of people in the forum that they are either working full time or collaborating with academic institutions around the world. I think it will be a good idea to compile a list of all VVVV users in academia, as we could initiate collaborations.

I am thinking:

  1. Joined Workshops
  2. Joined Exhibitions
  3. Exchange of teaching resources
  4. Inviting lectures from one institution to the other
  5. Collaborative student projects
  6. Research collaborations

Furthermore, I would like to invite anyone who is not currently involved in teaching but would like to come over in an institution to conduct a lecture or organize a workshop to also come forward, mentioning also where he/she is based. This is of course paid work.

Let me start:

My name is Doros Polydorou.
Senior Lecturer/ Programme Leader of Creative Media Digital Cultures at the University of Hertfordshire, London, UK.

I started teaching VVVV this year (been using it for a few years myself) and this year in my course we are exploring: Wearable technology, projection mapping and physical interfaces.

Looking forward hearing about other people.



good idea

Hi Dorosp,
Very interesting topic.
Here a small list of institutions i am aware of which have interest in VVVV or at least hosted workshops ,lectures or self organized user meetings in the past:

FH Schwäbisch Gmünd (Ulrich Lang)
FH Augsburg (Media Departement, Robert Rose)
Uni Konstanz (Daniel Klinkhammer)
Kunstuniversität Linz (Time based media, Interface Culture, me and a lot of other students)
FH Potsdam
Filmakademy Ludwigsburg
University of Santa Cruz de Tenerife

These are the ones I know at the moment

Germany, Hochschule Darmstadt - this is where I studied, also bjoern, david, phlegma, …

Germany, DHBW Ravensburg - katzenfresser and I hosted a workshop

China, CAFA Beijing - same as above, ink also hosted a workshop in the past

as Tekcor mentioned, in the University of La Laguna in the Canary Islands (ULL) I ll be giving a vvvv course, it’s an official academic course within a larger “technology for arts” 60 credits course, more info:


since everybody is promoting universities here…

we provide a fully integrated vvvv course since 2007 @ - the course is part of 3 disciplines: interface / communication and interior design

we is mr. firmata plugin @jens.a.e and me…

btw. Kiel is much cooler (literally) than Potsdam or Darmstadt ;)

Not a big fan of Darmstadt either ;)

Austria, St.Pölten University of Applied Sciences - Master Digital Media, Course “Modulare Medienprogrammierung”

been teaching this course for 5 years now to totally heterogenous groups of students with different backgrounds. unfortunately just for one semester but luckily with a few interesting diploma thesis.

i’d love to meet some of you guys at the upcoming node for exchange of teaching experiences. also i embrace the idea of building up a pool of material for teaching. the wonderful tutorials by @robotanton)) and ((user:westbam are a great inspiration of how this stuff could look like. unfortunately time is always short and well thought topics need lots of time to prepare. usually i teach interactively but since we’re converting our courses more and more to “inverted classrooms” there might be some videos coming up in the future…

Hi, I’m occasionally teaching vvvv in China.

I’m studying Information Experience Design at the Royal College of Art in London. While I haven’t set up an official workshop yet but there is some interest in running a workshop or two for using vvvv in multimedia projects and with Arduinos.

I think did a workshop here in the recent past.

Austria, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria - Bachelor Media Technology and Design, course Generative Design. any realtime tool allowed, so not only vvvv

been teaching there for 4 years now. and before me joreg and rrrr were also doing the same course.

and workshops since 2006 allover the place, mainly europe, mainly within festivals

I was teaching vvvv at HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd until a year ago, quit because I’m now in Berlin but would like to teach again.
Plus we did some nice Projects at HfG Gmünd:

Cheers, Andi :)

we finally have a dedicated wiki-page to collect this info. please add yours, see here: