For my LED interface, I am going to have 512 DMX channels, they all have to be connected to DMX (network ARTNET sender) node, but hehe… I do not think my PC likes it that much when I set the Stalone (spread) node to 512 inputs.
VVVV tends to crash :(
And besides that, I can only get like 50 pins at once on my monitor, so are there any work arrounds to combine 512 values in 1 pin ??
I realy hope you all can help me out here (again ;) )
I am using DMX, and that has 512 channels. But Since I use different types off devices, with different channels, it is better that you do it like this:
channel 0 - 100 is reserved for Light type-A
channel 100 - 200 is reserved for Light type-B
channel 500 - 512 is for the Stroboscoop
But I read yoiu are a DMX expert and that is just what the dokter ordered :)
I am still building my Patch, but you are free too look at it :)
I always do my personal notes in English, because you never know who you might ask for assisantce.
I have not used the 512 stalones yet, because I am trying to build it all in simple blocks, and in the end I want them to be trown together.
I will RAR my patch and sub-patches, and try to write some explenation off what it is suposed to do.