VR Headset Pico 3

Hey there,

quick question (because I’ve never done anything in VR so far) for how to use VR-headsets in vvvv gamma: Is every headset supported or can I only buy certain models?

I opened the “Enable virtual Reality” help file but obviously I couldn’t try that out for real without any vr headset^^

I was thinking on getting the pico 3 neo link. Is this as easy to use as I think it is or do I have to be aware of anything?

thanks :)

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I cannot guarantee it will work but i’d assume so, since pico supports OpenXR and this is the default for VR in vvvv now. would definitely be interesting to hear back if you test it.


It just works fine :)
I had to install the PicoLink then set it to DisplayPort-Mode.Then install the SteamVR and launch vvvv-gamma. Open the Virtual Reality help patch and then it is done. I had to restart vvvv once with F8 and F5 but then it was running fine.


good to hear. thanks for the update!