Unable to build for Linux

Hi, I’m somewhat new to VVVV. I’m trying to build an art installation that will run on a Raspberry Pi 5. I made a simple test patch with VL.Skia and I’m trying to export it with VVVV Gamma 5.2. In the end, it seems to be expecting a different version of .NET as the export fails, here is the log:

Generating project files (this may take up to a few minutes)
Building projects
dotnet publish -c Release --self-contained false /clp:ErrorsOnly /nologo "C:\textexport\src\rectatestpi\rectatestpi.csproj"
Unable to build C:\textexport\src\rectatestpi\rectatestpi.csproj. Reason:
C:\textexport\src\rectatestpi\rectatestpi.csproj : error NU1202: Package VL.Skia 2023.5.2 is not compatible with net6.0 (.NETCoreApp,Version=v6.0). Package VL.Skia 2023.5.2 supports: net6.0-windows7.0 (.NETCoreApp,Version=v6.0)
C:\textexport\src\rectatestpi\rectatestpi.csproj : error NU1202: Package VL.Skia 2023.5.2 is not compatible with net6.0 (.NETCoreApp,Version=v6.0) / linux-x64. Package VL.Skia 2023.5.2 supports: net6.0-windows7.0 (.NETCoreApp,Version=v6.0)

There was a problem exporting your Application.
Please report the problem by clicking "Copy To Clipboard" to copy the above details to your clipboard and pasting it to us via forum or chat.

When changing the Target OS back to Windows, I am able to export successfully.

If anyone could help me understand what direction to go in I would be really grateful!

Hey there, and welcome !

VL.Skia is not compatible with Linux yet. Exporting to Linux only supports Console apps for now :


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