Real time Audio Resampling (VL.Audio)

Regarding VL.Audio 1.8.2 and its Resample node,

I want to resample incoming audio on the fly (AudioIn → Resample) from 44100 downgrade to 16000, however this doesnt seem to work, since the AudioSignal on the Resample output pin is not being updated, although the example with the AudioPlayer works fine. Is it matter of the implementation itself, is this a limitation or I need something more in my node chain ?

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Not 100% sure, but I think that the audio nodes always need to be connected to something to work. If you just hover over the output it might not run, because it is not connected to something that actually needs it. I remember there are a few nodes that only start calculating if connected to some sort of output. Hope it helps!


I thought that too, so I passed it through an FFT node, but it didnt help really.

try connecting it to the audio out as well

I would do so but this will introduce a feedback loop effect, cause I want to keep using AudioIn (Current Loopback).

multiply the audio by 0 just before audiout

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Gosh… never thought about this … <3

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no, it doesnt work as such :/