Leap and Fingers question

Hello, i m trying to get a way to have a clear recognition of different pinches gesture of a hand for live manipulations.

  • Classical pinch ( thumb and index)
  • Major pinch ( thumb and major)
  • Annular pinch ( thumb and annular)
  • Little finger pinch ( thumb and little finger)

The isExtended[fingers] function doesnt really recognizes difference between index major and annular.

I have only a clear distinction with little finger, thumb and index. The isExtended forces also the gesture to be quite non natural and tiresness

I tried to use the SphereIntersectSphere function to try to eliminate doubts about fingers but i dont get really satisfying accurate results.

Is there any other way to figure out the gesture of my left fingers ?

Leap analyse hands and fingers 2hands 3.vl (134.2 KB)