ImageToTexture (Stride) cannot handle 3 channel 8 bit images


I have a B8G8R8 Image coming out of Nuitrack (Color stream) that I need to use in Stride. When I attempt to use ImageToTexture, it complains about not supporting this image format. I tried flipping to R8G8B8 but got the same error.

What is the current workflow to go from 3-channel/8-bit Image to Texture in Stride? If it is not supported, can it be added to the ImageToTexture node?

I can help with the code if needed.


A bit hacky but does this work for you?:

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Oh wow, looks like a case of: “we have textures at home” XD

I will see if I can work this into our current setup.

Thanks a lot @bjoern !

Hey @bjoern I just had a go at this but cannot find which FromImage and ToImage variants you are using in your screenshot, specifically the last two.

Can you point me in the right direction please?

They are in Graphics.Skia.Imaging.

FromToImage.vl (4.0 KB)

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