FUSE quad geometry primitive

I am experimenting with FUSE and find it very clever and interesting.

But I’ve come across the fact that during a certain exercise I haven’t found a “primitive” in the geometry shader that describes just a quad. Is it just not needed and I’m missing something, or will such a primitive appear one day for convenience?

To be honest, it’s still hard to understand and the BuildQuad node is quite complicated.
That’s why I decided to ask before trying to copy it from the private API.

Yep, seems needs to be added…

You could get a better understanding of how to build a quad from the PointToBox->SpanQuad node. Yes, it is still only internally visible, but provides a lot more info about geometry patching.

P.S. In the beginning, there was a🔺. I guess the first primitive that should be added is a triangle)

@vultraklei thanks!
Seems to be the more important BuildQuad node in this case

So far, I’ve reimplemented the code by putting together some nodes and found that simply replacing these sections here gives the desired behavior (they do not look into the camera). I think it’s worth considering including “just a Quad” in the public geometry API.
