Dependencies are not Fowarded correctly

On recent previews, i can’t say when it did happen, fowarded dependencies are not handle correcly even when they look loaded in the recipient.

For example, i have a bunch of enums that are not discoverable on my app even when they are fowarded in the source dependency.

The same happens with some datatypes, i can use them but i have encounter some issues while serialising and deserialising, basically my app doesn’t recognise them correcly after deserialising.

The issue is solved when i add the source dependency in the final app.
It looks that foward is not fully implemented or some features are lost in the the way…

any chance you can provide a demo that allows us to replicate the issue?

I’m trying to reproduce the serialization issue in a smaller scale without success, but i presume the problem was present due the fact that some documents in the system were referencing the Repository document while others were pointing to the installed nuget.

Right now all documents are using the nuget, directly or forwarded, and it looks healthy so far.

Other thing is the Enums issue: I can’t reach the enums in the node browser, even when the “Enums.dll” is forwarded correcly.
i can use them, but i can’t do certain operations with them (=, !=, |…)

again, please share a document that allows us to replicate this issue.

You will need to install Interpolator nuget
EnumsBug.vl (4.2 KB)

When packaging a nuget, any .net dlls need to be below the lib/ folder. You can achieve this by adding <OutputPath>..\..\lib</OutputPath> to your InterpolatorEnums.csproj:

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">



If you now run dotnet build in the folder where the csproj resides you’ll see that it will place the resulting dll to lib/netstandard2.0/InterpolatorEnums.dll.
You should modify the paths in your vl files accordingly and also don’t forget to update the paths in the nuspec file used to create the package.

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After doing so you also need to “Forward” those enums see Forwarding .NET Libraries | vvvv gamma documentation

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Thank you @Elias, now it works as expected.
Nevertheless, it would be very helpfull to have a method to build Enums directly in vvvv (an editor or template) and not depend 100% on visual studio for this.

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just in case you haven’t seen it, the “new c# file” dialog comes with a template for enums, see: Writing nodes using C# | vvvv gamma documentation

so adding an enum currently is one click to add the template, then using any text-editor to set the enum entries.

Cool thanks, let’s go now for the Editor version ;-)

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