ClockSyncer stops patch immeditely

For a project we need to synchronize time, but the ClockSyncer immediately stops the app when used. See help patch. Latest 6.0-25 preview.

2024/01/23 19:10:49.969 [CRT] (Sys) 0 vvvv ArgumentException: "The array starting from the specified index is not long enough to read a value of the specified type. (Parameter 'value')"
    ParamName: "value"
        System.ThrowHelper { internal static void ThrowArgumentException(System.ExceptionResource resource, System.ExceptionArgument argument) { ... } } 
        System.BitConverter { public static long ToInt64(byte[] value, int startIndex) { ... } } 
        System.BitConverter { public static double ToDouble(byte[] value, int startIndex) { ... } } 
        _VL_Sync_.IO.ClockSyncClient_C+<>c__DisplayClass3_0 { internal System.Tuple<object, bool> <Update>b__3(object s_74, VL.Lib.IO.Socket.Datagram Input_1_In_75) { ... } } 
        VL.Lib.Reactive.ForEach`3 { protected virtual void OnNext(TIn input) { ... } } 
        VL.Lib.Reactive.ObservableInputBase`1 { private void SafeOnNext(T input) { ... } } 
        System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo { public void Throw() { ... } } 
        VL.Lang.Platforms.RuntimeHost { private void SharedStep() { ... } }

could this just be a bad choice of default IP in the helppatch? have you tried setting an actual IP?

Yes, confirmed. Using the IP of the network card works.

But it would be much better if the help patch would not stop, but inform that something with the socket isn’t working,

aight, the node will now show a warning (and not run) when used with a loopback address.