C# UI plugin: hide window

i want to hide the UI window of a plugin when using boygrouping. is there a way besides setpatch ? some window hide from within the plugin ?

There’s IHDEHost.SetComponentMode which wants the node whose component mode to control as INode2. You can get that with IHDEHost.GetNodeFromPath. To get the node path of the node hosting your plugin you’ll need to import the IPluginHost2 interface in your plugin. So should end up to something like this:

[Import] IHDEHost FHdeHost;
[Import] IPluginHost2 FPluginHost;
var myPath = FPluginHost.GetNodePath(false);
var selfAsNode = FHdeHost.GetNodeFromPath(myPath);
FHdeHost.SetComponentMode(selfAsNode, ComponentMode.Hidden);

Note I didn’t test this code. Just wrote it down looking at the interfaces. So if it doesn’t work feel free to report back.

works like a charm. pretty thank you. no way i would have come up with this.

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