

born 1956. abitur on a technical gymnasium. apprenticeship as a bookseller. never grew up with pc´s. found my love for digital art 20 jears ago. noticed that my musicians-atari can be used for programming fractals (in "omicron basic" -haha). changed to pascal and then c. purchased an older vrs. of borland c++ builder without informing what the ++ means. heavy fights with the "object-orientation". made a big step in programming unusual fractals with unusual formulas. also programmed them in "pseudo 3d" (iteration-count as 3. dimension). wanted to lighten+animate. buyed big books about phong- and flatshading, normals usw. comprihended the theorie but failed in implementation. the hard school of an autodidact. had no internet (only analog-modems available) and nobody to help. first time i saw winamp the fire in me started again. tested vsxu_player and found vvvv. the ultimate tool for realizing my artistic dreams+pressure from within. i´m much more an optical person than a musician (despite: love+need music). in the beginning i often was frustrated searching in the forum. a lot of help_patches i also did not understand. so i de-constructed them peripherical. when they stopped working i knew: this is basic. experimented a lot. my method of learning. in the meantime i understand more - searching for solutions. publish my creations at the "visual music" site (via fb). feels good to get acknowledgement+kritics from profis (ron pellegrino, academic, ken scott, ex hippy and owner of "digital chaotics"). worked with local hobby-musicians. hope to find one day profi-musicians to work with. if not: being club_vj would be an alternative (and maybe more realistic). not because of the money: it´s my passion. found out late. but not to late.