i,d like it to give a 1 when red quad is on black quad only not around so i guess i need more than one xy point to determine ?
and the other thing is that the filestream should be activated after spending 1 second on the same position , so the red quad may pass by the right position (black quad) but if it does not spend 1 second there nothing will happen .
I did tried with change , notbolean and monoflop but did not find out the way to do it , monoflop gives the order after some time when it has been activated but not gives a 1 after a quad spend some time in the activation area , i hope i explain a bit better ,
how could that be done ?
i,d like it to give a 1 when red quad is on black quad only not
around so i guess i need more than one xy point to determine ?
Silly question… why do you have an AND between the X and the Y position off the SAME object? (mouse and black quad) Seems rather useless ;)
A quad has an X positon and Y postion AND it is scaled!! (X-scale and Y-scale) with those 4 things you can calculate and decide if your mouse is in it.
Now, the trouble is that the mouse is also a quad, so that has also 4 things to take in account. (but I have small trick for that)
I ALSO want to sugest the Intersect (3D quad Line) or the Button (3D Quad) nodes.
And check my Basic Button Tutorial to understand how it works!! (think I need to redo it for Quads :) )