implementing the appreciated ParticlesGPU_3D_Static_Typo (EX9.Effect) particlesgpu3dstatictypo-(ex9.effect) I went on creating a set of FontMaps by means of Writer (EX9. FontMap) (see modulesex9textmetrics ). Alas, it won’t render a PNG, but a MET file. I’m on b28.1 and feel reluctant to downgrade (at times, this yields unwanted surprises, y’know).
Exceeding my current knowledge and timeframe to get me acquintaned with a proper solution, I hope someone noble can help me and future ppl out.
hmmm, should be possible to do a basic kerning based on the chars metric. i did a module long time ago, before there where the text plugins which did that. should be quite easy to write the kerned letter positions into the rgb texture…
thought about that too, the problem with the shader version is the integral, which cannot be done in one frame.
so if one is using static letters, it’s not hard to encode the metrics into a texture, but it doesn’t work for dynamic letters i guess
hmmm depends on what you want to do… i think u just have to calculate the letter positions newly just if the text itself changes… but this is hardly the case for each frame usually no? for other effects like waving or exploding it still should work as you just add up values to the unaltered character positions…