Workaround for two graphic cards

Hi to all of you here!

I found that there is a problem with playing video via videoTextures on two graphic cards (will show only on one g. card). Then I found that there is a problem with DX texture if used on two graphic cards. link

Is there some list with modules not working in two (or more) graphic cards setup? And is there a way to share dx texture on both cards?

Since I have two eyefinity cards (HD5750) i’m planing to use both of them in multi screen setup, no video but a lot of textured 3D objects (for project Moe)


I found that there is a problem with playing video via videoTextures on two graphic cards (will show only on one g. card).
confirmed, this is by design.

Then I found that there is a problem with DX texture if used on two graphic cards. link
actually dx9textures are working across multiple devices. only if there is a videotexture up in the chain they’ll obviously break. the reason for the troubles in the thread you linked where not clearly resolved it seems. maybe there are special situations that cause troubles, but basically it works.

ok, i understand,
i’m cool with that.


one way around this is to build a Flash .swf that contains the texture, then use the Renderer(Flash) to play your .swf and connect it out to a GDI Texture node. You can apply this GDI texture over multiply GFXs cards. Same will work with video via flash.

GDI stuff is done with the CPU so you may see performance issues with loads of GDI stuff going on. Never fully tested though so please post findings if you do play.