I was just wondering if anyone has a nice method for saving your patch when you are working with a second display in full screen? Basically I want to avoid grey screen crashes and to save the patch without having to drag the renderer back to the primary screen. Sorry if this is a stupid question :)
A renderer has a pin, called Full Screen, and vvvv has a node, that Bangs once on open.
So what most of us do is, when the patch is opened, wait a few seconds, to make sure everything is loaded/initialized, and than go to full screen.
Attached Patch should jump to full screen in 10 seconds. While 2 seconds mostly is enough.
Feel free to ask, we feel free to answer ;)
edit: if you want to open the renderer on the second screen, I thought it would help to simply drag the small renderer on your second display, and than save. On re-open, it should go on full screen on the second display.
OpenFullScreen.v4p (4.0 kB)
Just been offline the last few days
Cool, thanks for the tip West :)