I think you should play around with your windows spanmode/gfx card options, and the device pin of the renderer node(you can only see that one with the Inspector), depends on your type/brand of gfx card and OS.
those three play together. into the HWND you put a windows title. then you get its handle, which you connect to the Window node. doesn’t matter which monitor a window is on. but thinking about it… i am not sure (and cannot test at the moment) if you can place a window on the second monitor by setting X > 1…
also west is right, it maybe possible to use the Device (EX9.Manual) node to achieve what you want. by creating your a manual device on the target monitor and in the Renderer chosing that device instead of -1 (auto). on fullscreen it would then probably go fullscreen there.
Just had a second display connected to my machine and true, the window does go to the second screen when going above 1 in the direction of the screen you want to place it on.
you need to calculate a bit on where to center and how much to expand the window if you want it full screen and your connected screens are not the same resolution.