the idea is to use a cam to object track someone on stage and use this to control a moving head spotlight.
can any one give me any pointers, i think i can handle the object track bit to give me X & Y the Z will be a set value of the persons hight. i can do the dmx out bit.
I just need help with all the messy maths bit in the middle that will turn the XYZ of the target in to Pan/Tilt and possible iris to send on to the moving light.
We did something very similar with some Mac250’s about a year ago using a bunch of sine’s and cosine’s back in Max/MSP
However, at that time i didn’t know about vvvv and it’s’polar’ node.
The polar node will convert between your xyz and pan/tilt angles.
Thankfully the pan/tilt angles are linearly related to the dmx signal so you dont have to do any mad calculations to sort that out. It was simply a case of: