0000000000B62CFB in module 'vvvv.exe'. Read of address 0000000000000000
00:03:02 * : Access violation at address 0000000000B62CFB in module 'vvvv.exe'. Read of address 0000000000000000
00:03:02 ERR : A specified class is not registered in the registration database.
00:03:02 : Adding node to filtergraph: WavePlayer (DShow9)
00:03:02 ERR : This method tried to access an invalid pointer.
00:03:02 * : [error occured in Pin.Evaluate of DirectShowNodes9.TMDirectShowNode9.EvaluateCB](error occured in Pin.Evaluate of DirectShowNodes9.TMDirectShowNode9.EvaluateCB): Access violation at address 0000000000B62CFB in module 'vvvv.exe'. Read of address 0000000000000000
00:03:02 * : Access violation at address 0000000000B62CFB in module 'vvvv.exe'. Read of address 0000000000000000
00:03:02 : Removing node: Default DirectSound Device from filtergraph
@joreg. it’s a bit confusing that they show up in the list when they don’t work. couln’t we exclude non-functional nodes like this from appearing in the node browser, if for no other reason, then to save time trying to get it to work.
When connecting the FileStream node to FFT, I shows some strange behavior (64bit). Seems that the values are updated only every half second. Any other option for analyzing audio from a file (microphone works fine)?
Thanks phlegma,
I was playing with the audio pack, but having some trouble with the Asio4all driver. Furthermore, the old FFT node can’t be used with the new audiopack (liked them because they put out some nicely pre-sorted data). Any change to feed them with audio from the disk? Before, it was easy by just changing the windows audio settings, but in Win8, Stereo-mix is not available anymore.
Thanks for any hints!