does it make any sense to keep on translating or updating translations of vvvv45 documentation - if not for completeness itself?
@@robotanton: I see that you took the “docs maintenance” in your hands, so probably you’re the one to ask this.
Given the numerous changes in vvvv50, I guess and, honestly, hope that you and the devvvvs are planning to release English documentation for vvvv50 as soon as it is published - which, as @tonfilm)) and ((user:Elias said, it could be for Node15 -.
Is it possible to have those texts, maybe even just a few basic ones, a few days before vvvv50 release, so that whoever may be interested can translate them, giving immediately translated resources to whom has not familiarity with English?
In my case I’d take the time to translate everything as accurately as possible for vvvv50 release, with a few days of time.
Thank you.