(Update 1: I noticed meanwhile that develop branch using new System.Reactive packages)
I know this case might not be a supported scope but:
I’m currently detaching most of mp.essentials from vvvv into a pure C# library so its usage is not restricted to vvvv. I really like the high level wrapper of RawInput mouse and keyboard found in VVVV.Utils and in the respective *Desktop nodes. So I’m using them and replicating a sans-vvvv version of those nodes as Mouse-/KeyboardManager classes. (Also I’m paying attention to comply with LGPL 2.1).
The problem is that VVVV.Utils on the public nuget.org package (35.8.0) requires Rx-Main (or System.Reactive) 2.2.5 but it doesn’t appear as a dependency in its nuget package. This results in an Assembly not found exception at runtime when using Rx patterns from VVVV.Utils outside VVVV. Unfortunately also it doesn’t want to work with the new System.Reactive (> 3.0.0) packages saying:
The located assembly’s manifest definition does not match the assembly reference
And old Rx packages gone unlisted on nuget. I can see that the develop branch already referencing System.Reactive 4.0.0-preview00001 so I guess it’ll be up on nuget.org when beta36 arrives?