Vvvv for progammers

One Sentence: Whats happening in your workshop?
This introductory workshop gets you motivated to create interactive media environments with VVVV. Building upon your textual programming experiences, our hosts explain the graphical patching approach of vvvv in a manner of software development.

What 3 tags describe your workshop?
vvvv-thinking, visual programming, introduction

In which of the three categories does your workshop fall: beginner, intermediate, advanced
vvvv-beginners with a software developement background

How long will your workshop be?
(Standard formats are 3h or 2x 3h, but other formats may be possible)
Who is the target audience of your workshop?
Everyone who is new to VVVV and wants to discover its powers but already has some background with conventional progamming languages.

What knowledge do you presume your participants have?
Some basic experience in software coding, e.g. with C#, JavaScript, Python, HLSL/GLSL, C++, Java, etc

What will attendees of your workshop learn?
This will be a fast-forward vvvv-beginners workshop that builds upon your previous progamming knowledge. You will learn to use VVVV as a programming environment to rapid prototype and create interactive media applications. We’ll explore the UI, core programming concepts in VVVV, how to think in a visual programming language and find connections between the visual and the textual programming world. Several basic example applications will be created from scratch so that after the workshop you can pursue more advanced topic in other workshops.

What technical requirements does your workshop have (apart from internet and a projector)?
e.g. special hardware, software, graphiccards, materials, dancers/performers
Host: projector
Participants: Bring a VVVV capable laptop with and a three-button-mouse.

Who would be the two hosts?
@motzi & @veevee
How would the hosts qualify for the topic? (Describe and add links to portfolio website, github, vimeo,… accounts)

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