Yesterday, vvvv was running fine, now I can’t start it anymore. A console window pops up with:
OMP: Warning #2: Cannot open message catalog “1031\libiomp5ui.dll”:
OMP: System error # 126: konnte nicht gefunden werden Das angegebene Modul wurde. OMP: System error #126: Could not find the specified module.
OMP: Info Nr. 3: Standard-Nachrichten verwendet werden. OMP: Info #3: Default messages will be used.
OMP: Error #15: Initializing libiomp5md.lib, but found libguide40.lib already initialized.
does anyone know what to do?
what i did inbetween:
installed GoPro Cineform Studio for Videocodec but already uninstalled again.
downloaded and installed vvvv 27 with all the .net and directx-updates, i was using 25 before.
thanks, i can now start vvvv with some error messages after removing opencv-dlls cv100.dll, cxcore100.dll and highgui100.dll.
but i don’t know where this error is comming from… -.-
I have jsut installed vvvv_45beta27.1 and I am seeing the same error. Any advice? I do not think I have OpenCV in any form on this computer and also vvvv_45beta25.1 worked fine before.
from \lib\thirdparty. this should make vvvv startup (even with some errors) and only missing some nodes of the DShow9 category…
(and not touch the libiomp5md.dll which is obviously in use by other programs)
also first you could try setting the environment variable as mentioned in the screenshot you posted:
you can do so by opening a commandline, navigating to \vvvv_45beta27.1, typing:
and then running vvvv from that same command-line, by typing: