VL.Redis: binding with scanned keys doesn't return values

I have a lot of entries in my data base but binding doesn’t retrieve them. I don’t know if the data is out of date, but I didn’t set it it to be.

On the left is the patch with the scanned key and nothing coming back from the channel to the key’s value. On the right is Redis Insight to look at the databases I have. It shows the data under that key.
The data was serialized to message pack as an object. Do I need to deserialize it back into a VL Record?. I set the binding to direction to In because I didn’t want to accidentally write over it.
I hope I didn’t miss anything, but also hope I did if you know what I mean.


Have a look in the log (Ctrl+Shift+F2), if there are issues while serialization they should show up there.

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Interesting, Error was that the object couldn’t deserialize to string, so I tried a node from my real object and it worked, It has an internal deserializer, nice!