VL.Alembic TimeRange not imported from Blender

Hi :) I am trying to import an .abc file, that I exported from Blender.
It all works fine, except for playing back the animation.

The problem seems to be that the TimeRange is either not being recognized or not written into the alembic at the export from Blender (I cloudn’t find anything about it on the Blender side of things)
However, when I set the time manually with SetTime it loads another frame from the exported animation. But it will not play back in real-time when I connect an animated value to the SetTime.

Any hints on how to solve this would be well appreciated! @torinos do you know maybe?

Can you post a patch for the problem that includes the alembic file? Or another one that can reproduce the problem.

For some reason after a fresh start of my computer after a night’s rest, the real-time playback with an animated value attached to SetTime works again.
However, the TimeRange issue remains.

I attached a link to two files in the README.txt. One is the one I exported from Blender, the other one was found on Sketchfab.

alembicDebug.zip (9.8 KB)

I was able to reproduce it by exporting from Blender at hand, so I modified it and published it to nuget as VL.Alembic 0.1.3.

I think it will take a little time to reflect to nuget listings, so please wait a bit.

The two .abc’s you posted look fine in this version.


thank you so much!

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