Virtual arms reaching for real people - help

i am in the planning stage of a project and want to find out which software is best suited for the job.

my project is to use the animata software to make some arms that reach out from their hideout and towards the human bodies standing in front of it. much like my improvised drawing. attached.

the arm (or arms) should function like creatures living their own life trying to able to touch the people. then when they finally crawl from their hideout upon the wall down the ground and reach their victim some reaction should be.

what i would like to ask is if there is possibility in vvv to track a body or if i should go with eyesweb.

data about where about of a person will be send as osc to animata.

do i get it right:

you want to track people and the vitual arm shall try to touch or grab them?

but i am not sure at all if i understand what you want to do.

if english is not your native language, feel free to use your native language!
the community is spread all over the planet; somebody might be able to answer your questions.

kind regards,