When using a Videoin/Camera in beta17 and newest alpha the Mainloop only runs with max 30 FPS. In betas 14 and 16 everything is just fine (Mainloop ~60FPS).
hi, does the logitech work for you with the original drivers? or do u have to use the generic windows usb video device driver?
I ask because I own a logitech quickcam pro 9000 and if i use the original driver I always get al bluescreen. with the genreric driver I only get max 5 frames (1600x1200px) when i connect to a quad, when i canect jus to videoout everything seems to run fine.
The latest Logitech drivers (v 11.5) didn´t work at all (the camera was not recognized). I googled for older drivers and found version 8.48 which works, no bluescreen.