Video Mem Recorder Texture Buffer Bug?

Hi guys,

i´m trying to use the video mem recorder from colorsound in beta26, it basically makes a buffer with the video texture, but it doesn´t work as expected, it seems to be a memory leak or something like that in the buffer texture node.

I remember i´ve used it in b22 and b23 as expected.

is this a bug or am i wrong?

any help or other way to do the same in other way is welcome.


video mem (7.9 kB)

Hola Ari, It seems to work fine here , probably need a little update to clean ad make the module in less nodes , but at first glance i did not see the memory leak , using win7 64 . beta 26 . suerte ;D

VideomMemRecorder (EX9.Texture)Test.rar (14.4 kB)

Hey Abraham,
thanks for the help,
in booth patches the fps goes down when i´m recording,
have you the same behaviour? i´m on xp 32
i remember in the beta 22 it works without fluctuations, or am i wrong?

Thanks again


Edit: also the same in b26 Win7 64

hi uhmm here when recording without the mainloop it goes around 32fps and when it,s at the end of the memory goes to 23 or so , but when mainloop remains at 25 . but yes it seems to go slower when lacking memory but i dont see much trouble in my side i just tested with the rectangle going around maybe with video or other content behaviour is diferent .

I´ve tested it with live video, and the fps goes down from 60 to 1 when the memory decreases,
i think it could be a problem related with the new way to manage the textures in b26 (?¿), there is also problems with the queue texture node.

It seams to be a topic for the Devvvvs, i hope we can enjoy soon a new bugfixed beta,

thanks Abraham for the great video buffer ;)


Any idea?
i´m preparing some stuff for a dance piece and i would need a FPS stable solution.

my idea is to record in the buffer 1 minute max. 640x480 at 60fps

Thanks in advance.


Confirmed, it works for me as expected in b22.

fixed and as always: sorry!

waiting for the new beta