VAudio basics workshop

One Sentence: Whats happening in your workshop?
You will learn how to use the VAudio modular audio engine to make sound, obviously play back audio files, but also how to make you own synthesizer and translate arbitrary data into audio.
You will also see how you can process audio using VST plugins and learn how to record audio in vvvv.

What 3 tags describe your workshop?
Generating audio, Processing audio, Multi channel audio

In which of the three categories does your workshop fall: beginner, intermediate, advanced

How long will your workshop be?
(Standard formats are 3h or 2x 3h, but other formats may be possible)

Who is the target audience of your workshop?
Anyone who wants to work with audio in vvvv who find the previous ways of working with audio in vvvv limiting

What knowledge do you presume your participants have?
Basic knowledge of vvvv, spreads

What will attendees of your workshop learn?
How to play back, generate and filter audio in multiple channels.
How to work with VST synths and effects
Basic audio synthesis
how to transform data into audio

Attendants need to bring
Laptop with latest vvvv with addonpack and the VAudio pack installed.
ASIO capable soundcard, if you don’t have one, use Asio4all or Dante Via

What technical requirements does your workshop have (apart from internet and a projector)?
e.g. special hardware, software, graphiccards, materials, dancers/performers
Small PA system

Who would be the two hosts?
Sune Petersen (@sunep)
Paul Schengber (@wisp)

How would the hosts qualify for the topic? (Describe and add links to portfolio website, github, vimeo,… accounts)
Sune has used VAudio in projects since it was released and in general worked with audio, both in live sound, in the mixing and mastering process and in various interactive multichannel installations, most notably at the national museum of Denmark
Sune Co-founded the audiovisual record label uhrlaut: