Variable thickness wireframe shader based on distance from the edges on face

Hi, would it be possible to make variable thickness wireframe shader in stride - I think I just need color without shading. I would like to have just 2 colors - color of the model and color of the wire.

I found some examples but everything I could find is for unity, and I am not sure if its usable in Stride as well, especially since Unity shaders are a bit different.

I found these two techniques:

Each creates coordinates on faces that can measure distance from edge to center, then you just set color by the distance from the edge. I would appreciate any advice or resources how could I port this to Stride, Thanks!

here’s a quick adaption of the catlikecoding example: (6.5 KB)

however, in this example the wireframe always has the same thickness, independent of the distance to the camera. would be nice to have something behaving more natural…


hey, I’ve came across this thread and I’m thankfull for this collaboration…
however, Im wondering If… is it possible to apply it to a model entity? not just a mesh renderer?