Use your nintendo ds as a wireless controller

that about says it. sliders,buttons,xy pads,etc on nintendo ds.
i hear R4 is the decent homebrew card.
its cheap too (under 10 eu)
i have a really old slot 2 card tho.
it suports osc now i think.
i have personally tried it a while ago and i am happy with it.
wifi latency is MUCH lower then i expected.


have a look here

yeah ive heard of that too now that you mention it.
its really cool, but the download has been not there for at least 2 years and the site hast changed much…

Any news on this?

I would love to know if there’s any info on that VVVV DS project, been looking at that site for some time now.

@Yeah I’m definitely trying this, sounds like a lot of potential! I can advise the cyclo ds evolution card for homebrew software.

thanks, bjoern for refering to the ndsvisuals project and pointing me to the thread…

unfortunately, i never found the time to make a public easy-to-install-package for download, i guess a statement on the website would make sense ;)

however, you can contact me, and i’ll send you the totally messed up version, i am using right now ;)

What would be the best way to contact you?

I don’t know wich of the e-mails adresses on the site is yours, but I really would like a chance to test this incredibly looking idea.

Skype name would be the same as my username here