Use String Spread for Text (EX9)


probably a question that is easy to answer:

I try to feed a text (EX9) with a spread of strings and positions. The positoning works, but only the first entry of the string spread is used.

What am I making wrong?



SpreadText.v4p (5.3 kB)

Text (EX9 Geometry) is not spreadable.

Use elektromeier’s “Text (EX9 Monospaced)” or woei’s “Text (EX9 Metrics)” instead:

User Modules


probably a question that is easy to answer:

I try to feed a text (EX9) with a spread of strings and positions. The positoning works, but only the first entry of the string spread is used.

What am I making wrong?



andhi, thanks for your answer and the hint.

How do I know if nodes are spreadable?
I couldn’t find that info in the reference.

For some nodes it’s in the reference, for some it’s not, unfortunately.
If it’s not, there’s no other way than trying.

you can always tell if a pin is spreadable by lookting at it in the inspektor. if it has a little arrow > between the pins value and the pins name it is spreadable, else not.

another newbie gem for the Node Reference. See Text (EX9.Geometry)