Urgent! Video Calibration

Ehh… well, you only need to calibrate those points once for your screens? So what does it mathers if the contour node goes bad while calibrating? There is a Pin on Point Editor: show points (or not).

If you want, you can try and darken the color of the calibrating points to a color that is below the thresshold setting of your contour node.(just right click Point editor and look for those quads).

Another tip, after callibrating, attach a Writer (X Mesh) to the Mesh node in Griddeform, you can now save your calibration to an Xfile (small textfile) and you can use it again later. Reload it with Xfile (EX9. Geometry) node and use it as a Mesh, instead off the grid (EX9. Geometry) node.

@Joreg, your Morpohology shader is a great effect with an Oscilator!! ;)

where is there an option to set the point and cursor color? i can turn the points off, but i can’t get rid of the cursor. Thanks

never mind. i figgured out that by making the points small enough, and turning on clense on the cobtour method, that i couls filter out the cursor. Thanks. Everything seems to be working great for me. That patch was exactly what i needed joreg!!!


looking forward to see a documentation of your work in our gallery-blog.

question 1, how do i read a x file that i wrote using the writer, and 2, how can i repace the mesh in your patch with the reader so that i don’t need to calibrate each timme, can i do an if statement, if there exisst config.x, then read it, else, create config,x anytimea change is made, and the read from it, or have the user check a box to write the config. either way.

XFile (EX9.Geometry) Load connects the same way than e.g. the Teapot (EX9.Geometry) .
furthermore Exists (File) lets you check…guess what.
with Dir (File) , FileName (File) Split…you can check if your Directory is modified.

my patch with the calibration implemented is located here:


how can i make it so that calibration is done by the system projecting points on the screen, and the user touching the points, and the grid automatically being adjusted so that where the user touched in the video and where the point is line up?

Thanks for the help.

anyone on an automated calibration system?