Ultraleap top Screen view needed

Hi there,
I am using the ultraleap motion 3di. I installed the old SDK with the VL.Devices.LeapOrion nuget and it works quite well in the “Desktop” mode.
Thanks to the forum discussion.

Now i need to have the leap camera positioned on top of the screen. The new Gemini SDK can do this very well, but with the old SDK only the desktop mode or the Head-Mounted mode are available. And if I position the camera above the screen, the hands are very badly recognized.

Any ideas how to make to top screen mode available with the old SDK. Or is anyone working on integrating the new SDK ?

Looked into it and afaict it’s not possible to achieve with the old SDK;
And while it is definetly possible to adapt the new one, they made a lot of changes to their “C# wrapper” that are Unity specific.
Started working on it but looks like it will take more time than I am willing to spend right now.

Thank you for checking out. I could try it out with some help. Which c# pack do you use?

Support for this is now available as we’re now officially supporting latest devices by Ultraleap based on their Gemini (5.x) and Hyperion (6.x) line of drivers, see: Introducing: Support for new Ultraleap devices

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