i set up an UDP client/server to receive wiimote values from an other computer on the network…
everything is fine except the spread count at the udp (receive) node continuously change!!!blink…Nill.blink…Nil…blink…
i’ve try many things : S+H , change the port number
just sending one value:bang,disconnect my open dmx ethernet…
no luck
the udp send & receive pins on the nodes are set to 1 …
could it be the asValue(string) thing?
everything is fine except the spread count at the udp (receive) node continuously change!!!blink…Nill.blink…Nil…blink…
assuming with udp (receive) you mean UDP (Network Server)
that should be fine, since your sender and receivere are likely not running at the exact same framerate.
i tend to use S+H with its Input connected to the UDP servers output and its Set pin connecte to the servers Queue Count output. that way you should always get the last received message sampled.
could it be the asValue(string) thing?
what is the thing with AsValue (String) ?