Transforming all spreaded lines

Hello there,

i was searching a lot and found nothing to solve my problem, yet it should be an easy solution for it i think… so sorry for asking ;)

i want to transform the whole “testquad subpatch” into a cube the way that i’ve tried in “testsquarespread”. ore even to a closed cube if this is working with squarespread. (by the way: is it the right way to use the squarespread?)

but i dont get it to work because of the spreading ive done. it only transforms every fourth outline of the spread.

download squarespread from westbams westmodules:

I am thinking of another approach of the idea. but is it possible to maintain the spreaded outlines of every side of the cube so that they can be transformed via midi? (when you turn up the spikesnode in “testQuad” you see the kind of transformation i want to do)

thanks for the help

SquareSpread (Spreads).v4p (29.9 kB)
Test Quad.v4p (12.7 kB)
testQuad subpatch.v4p (39.0 kB)

I made this the other day when I saw your previous question. but then @westbam came first so I ended up not posting it. I think it answers these questions.

I think I made your setup a bit more simple using spreading (4.4 kB)

!thanks a lot!!!

it will take me some time trying to understand it…

There are some strategic comments in the Side subpatch