Transform webcam video into sound

Hey everyone!

I am pretty new in vvvv and have some difficulties with implementing this idea:
I’d like to transform the video which is generated by a usb webcam into sound so that someone who stands in front of that cam can ‘hear’ his image when he moves.

I think it might work someway like this: The (monochrome) webcam signal is first being analyzed for its brightest pixels. The changing of those pixel’s coordinates is then used to either generate a mix of sinus sounds or to pick and simultaniously playback wav sounds which are pre-assembled.

As vvvv’s sound generating functions seem to be quite limited I am also thinking about involving PureData into vvvv but after a few hours of research I gave up, accepting that my knowledge is yet too limeted.

Has anyone some hints for me?

A good start point is to use Pipet, and HSL color split to convert the color data into numbers,

i hope it can help you.


Every advice is appreciated.
Thanks man. I’ll check that out.

try to connect the pipet to-> hsl split to-> some midi-nodes.
you will have some quick results for checking the concept. later you can change the sound or imrove the quality of the sound-output

Check the helppatch of the MidiNoteOut - node.