Transform into vector

is it possible to convert transform(3d) x,y,z into vector (x,y,z) ?


You need to use the ApplyTransform node which will out a 3 vector from the transform output

* (3d) and * (3d Vector) also come very handy. and i bet that most users don’t know them…

by using any of the suggested nodes you are transforming points (x,y,z) from object space into points in world space.

lets assume you want to know the origin of the object space.

for that you have a transformation generated by one of transform nodes. you put that into applytransform (or one of the other nodes). you keep the other pins untouched at (x,y,z) = (0,0,0), since you want to know where the origin of the object space is. the output is the origin in world space.

however your original question was:

is it possible to convert transform(3d) x,y,z into vector (x,y,z) ?

no. you cannot convert a transformation into a vector. a transformation is more than that. it is more than its origin. you can convert a transformation into a matrix of 4*4 values by GetMatrix.

i understand now, thanks guys